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Freeswitch Callcenter SMS Alerts

We recently deployed Freeswitch as our phone system. We are using mod_callcenter to manage our call queues. I wrote the below php script to send out an SMS alert if a call is sitting in a queue and there are no agents logged in. We are using Clickatell as our SMS gateway however you just need to modify the sendnotification function to a different provider. Just change the globals variables at the top to make it work for your setup



        $GLOBALS['server'] = 'localhost';
        $GLOBALS['port'] = '8021';
        $GLOBALS['password'] = 'ClueCon';
        $GLOBALS['clickatellapi_id'] = '1234456';
        $GLOBALS['clickatelluser'] = 'username';
        $GLOBALS['clickatellpassword'] = 'password';
        $GLOBALS['contactnumbers'][] = '61123456789';
        $GLOBALS['contactnumbers'][] = '61987654321';

        $queuealerter = array();


        function sendnotification($queuename){

                $message = 'There is a call in the queue ' . $queuename . ' and no agents are logged in to take it';

                for($i=0; $i < count($GLOBALS['contactnumbers']); $i++){

                        $curl_handle = curl_init();
                        curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL,'' . $GLOBALS['clickatellapi_id'] . '&user=' . $GLOBALS['clickatelluser'] . '&password=' . $GLOBALS['clickatellpassword'] . '&to=' . $GLOBALS['contactnumbers'][$i] . '&text=' . urlencode($message));



        $sock = new ESLconnection($GLOBALS['server'], $GLOBALS['port'], $GLOBALS['password']);

        $res = $sock->api('callcenter_config queue list');
        $queuelist = preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $res->getBody());

        //get a list of all the queues
        for($i=1; $i < count($queuelist); $i++){

                $queuedetails = explode('|', $queuelist[$i]);
                if($queuedetails[0] != '+OK' && $queuedetails[0] != ''){

                        $newQueue = array();
                        $newQueue['Name'] = $queuedetails[0];
                        $newQueue['AgentCount'] = 0;
                        $newQueue['CallCount'] = 0;

                        $queuealerter['Queues'][] = $newQueue;


        //for each queue check if there is a logged in agent
        for($i=0; $i < count($queuealerter['Queues']); $i++){

                $res = $sock->api('callcenter_config queue list agents ' . $queuealerter['Queues'][$i]['Name']);
                $agentdetails = preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $res->getBody());

                for($i2=1; $i2 < count($agentdetails); $i2++){

                        $agentdetail = explode('|', $agentdetails[$i2]);
                        if($agentdetail[0] != '+OK' && $agentdetail[0] != '' && $agentdetail[5] == 'Available'){

                                $queuealerter['Queues'][$i]['AgentCount'] += 1;


                //get all the calls in the queue

                $res = $sock->api('callcenter_config queue list members ' . $queuealerter['Queues'][$i]['Name']);
                $calldetails = preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $res->getBody());

                for($i2=1; $i2 < count($calldetails); $i2++){

                        $calldetail = explode('|', $calldetails[$i2]);
                        if($calldetail[0] != '+OK' && $calldetail[0] != ''){

                                $queuealerter['Queues'][$i]['CallCount'] += 1;



        //for each queue check
        for($i=0; $i < count ($queuealerter['Queues']); $i++){

                if($queuealerter['Queues'][$i]['CallCount'] > 0 && $queuealerter['Queues'][$i]['AgentCount'] == 0){



We run this as a cron job every minute

* * * * * /usr/local/freeswitch/scripts/queuealerter.php